NEW inside photos released by police have shown the scale of a huge ‘multi-million-pound’ cannabis farm raided in the town centre.

As reported by the Warrington Guardian yesterday, Tuesday, police raided a second illegal drug grow within weeks in a building just metres away from the first.

A large police presence was reported on Barbauld Street on Tuesday, with a police tape cordon also in place to the shop front of the building in question on Bridge Street.

Officers received reports of two cannabis plants in an alleyway, but CCTV checks led officers to believe the plants were part of a larger quantity that had been dropped while being moved.

Further investigation saw detectives uncover a huge illegal grow factory inside a nearby building.

Inside the huge cannabis farm that was discovered by police

Inside the huge cannabis farm that was discovered by police

A search of the building revealed the presence of around 370 large cannabis plants as part of a grow of the controlled class B drug – believed to be worth millions of pounds on the streets.

No arrests have been made as of yet in connection with the find and enquiries are ongoing, and anyone with any information is asked to call Cheshire Police on 101, quoting IML 1791011.

Information can also be passed by visiting or anonymously to Crimestoppers by calling 0800 555 111 or visiting

Following the discovery, officers dismantled the farm and all of the drugs were sent for destruction.

More than £6,000 worth of compost and fertiliser recovered has been donated to Warrington Borough Council to be used in green spaces in the town, including cemeteries and schools.

Police at the scene on Tuesday

Police at the scene on Tuesday

Superintendent Adam Ross said: “We know the long-term damage that illegal drugs can have on our community, so it is great to see something positive come out on this occasion.

“Thanks to information received from members of the public and some excellent detective work, we have been able to remove a significant quantity of cannabis destined for the streets of Warrington.

“The building contained a large number of cannabis plants and a sophisticated set up of venting systems and electricity use to maximise the amount of class B drugs being cultivated.

“This has been a real team effort, with a great collaboration between the police and our partners at the council, as well as the community helping us to gather the intelligence.

“The seizure is a great result and shows how information from members of the public is vital in the fight against drug-related crime.

Inside the huge cannabis farm that was discovered by police

Inside the huge cannabis farm that was discovered by police

“We want people in Warrington to feel safe in their communities, and we are committed to doing all we can to put a stop to this sort of activity and improve the area.”

Following the discovery, officers are urging residents and landlords to remain vigilant and to continue to report any suspicions of illegal drug-related activity to the police.

It comes just weeks after another cannabis farm was found inside a closed bar on Barbauld Street.

On March 19, police raided the property and recovered 720 cannabis plants, and although the force helicopter was scrambled to track a suspect spotted fleeing the address, no arrests were made.

Police at the scene on Tuesday

Police at the scene on Tuesday

However, nine people were later arrested trying to enter the premises, leading officers to warn against doing so and confirming that all plants and equipment had been removed.

There are a number of signs that could indicate that a property is being used as a cannabis farm, including a strong and sickly-sweet smell and equipment to grow cannabis being taken into a property, such as lighting and ventilation equipment.

Other indicators are constantly covered or blocked-off windows, people coming and going at all hours or neighbours you never see and strong and constant lighting day and night.

High levels of heat and condensation on windows, a constant buzz of ventilation and lots of power cables could also indicate the presence of an illegal cannabis grow.