HAVING looked at the images for Sankey Valley Resort it is absolutely shocking that Warrington Borough Council can let us down like this.

I have lived here more than 22 years and when we raised concerns over Gulliver’s with the council we were assured that it was a ‘small, low noise park for under 10s’.

WBC are not consulting with residents. We have increased traffic, noise, fast food smells, litter and the back of Gulliver’s is regularly a mess with the noisy generator spoiling the peace.

Gulliver’s has erected a fence and gate stopping people walking down Old Camp Road from the Sankey Park. I regularly walked my dog and cycled down the road. It is about making money for Gulliver’s from people outside the area.

The proposed Teenager Zone means larger rides and more noise.

Phase Two will see the orbital bus running down the Greenway along with touring caravans and coaches and more cars so it is not only Gresford Close residents who will be affected.

Yes Sankey Valley does need enhancing but not commercially for Gulliver’s.

Saying a few jobs will be created or the overgrown shrubs that WBC should cut back are threatening is a weak argument.

Gulliver’s and WBC need to show us we can trust them by enhancing the park without creating more traffic and noise and not putting a hotel, rides, traffic and tearing up green areas first.

We will not be able to walk, cycle and fish on the canal for free because slowly but surely Gulliver’s will own the land and charge us.

I hope that people support the Save Sankey Valley Park on Facebook and write to their MP and local councillor to ask for support.

Peter Taylor, assistant director for regeneration at WBC, shame on you if you let us down.