I WAS amazed to read last week’s letter from Steph Davies, our Green Party candidate for Warrington South.

Ms Davies spends seven paragraphs criticising David Cameron and the Tory party for all manner of misdemeanours including the ‘recent economic meltdown’ and having friends in the city of London.

She says the Tories care little about democracy and the ‘anti-democratic’ voting system.

But it’s so easy to criticise other parties. What I would really like to know, as a voter, is what her party is doing for Warrington?

She touches on the fact that Warrington retailers and the market are suffering at the hands of supermarkets and chain stores, but doesn’t suggest any solution to these issues.

Surely our Green Party candidate should be telling us what she is proposing to do about the plans to close recycling centres in Woolston and Stockton Heath forcing people to travel across town to Gatewarth Tip? Surely these are green issues for her to get her teeth into? This is a huge problem for the town.

I see Friends of the Earth in the same edition of the Guardian have been protesting against these plans – where was Ms Davies?

So please enlighten us Ms Davies as to why we should take you seriously?