IT has come to my attention that many companies use palm oil in their products.

The palm oil industry is linked to major issues such as deforestation, habitat degradation, climate change and animal cruelty.

This affects many animals such as orangutans, jaguars and tigers.

I have done some research and I found that the following products contain palm oil: (some) breads, (some) crisps, (some) margarines, (some) vegan cheeses, (some) soaps, (some) ice creams, (some) pizza bases and (some) chocolates.

I strongly believe that companies should not destroy the habitats of Earth’s precious creatures just so they can make money.

I think that everybody should be made aware of what palm oil does to our world and should not buy anything that contains it.

I also think that products should have clearer labelling to show that it does contain palm oil.