I AM a Great Sankey resident, living close to Chapelford.

When the development was first proposed we were leafleted with plans of what the developers intended to built.

Included in the information was an offer of a new train station.

The implication was that the developers would build and pay for this asset from the huge profits they have made from the thousands of houses built.

Now we are told they will make only a contribution, as will the Government (taxpayer’s money) and the council (council taxpayer’s money).

With no money to keep libraries open, keep free car parks, and remove garden waste without a further payment, where is this money coming from?

And we are supposed to be delighted about this project.

If the intention was that the council would partially fund this, it was never made clear.

I suspect the developers’ interest began to wane as costs escalated and the council jumped in to bail them out.

There are times when the council needs to be reminded that it serves the people of Warrington, not the other way around.

It is hard to take austerity, when reserves of money can be found to aid rich businessmen.