REAL democracy?

There is a growing disconnect between people and politicians.

People feel their voice isn’t heard and their votes do not change anything.

What is needed is a massive shake up of the political system, starting with the establishment of an English Parliament.

UKIP also proposes the abolition of the House of Lords, and the introduction of a new system of voting, proportional representation.The average annual cost of each peer in the House of Lords is £115,000.

It is stuffed with party donors, failed politicians and other time servers.

They function to subvert democracy and they intend, particularly the Liberal Democrats and the Labour Party, to thwart the will of the people to leave the EU.

The proposed New English Parliament will sit in the chamber vacated by the House of Lords.

It will have its own first minister, and its 375 members will be elected under the additional member system of proportional representation.

A smaller House of Commons will oversee the regional parliaments and assemblies.

The size of the House of Commons will be halved to 325, with members directly elected from across the four nations of the UK by PR.

These changes will reduce the number of politicians eligible to sit in the legislatures from 1475 to 775.

The failed political establishments cannot be expected to press for any change, on the basis that you cannot expect turkeys to vote for Christmas!

Only UKIP will campaign for these necessary changes to put people back in charge.