I WOULD like to thank, via the Warrington Guardian, Mark Smith and his wife Denise for sharing their experiences about mental health issues during our latest Warrington Bipolar Support Group meeting, it was an eye opener.

Mark set up the Blue Apple Veterans Charity to provide support and help to veterans and their families in the community with combat stress-related illness and issues.

Last year I was privileged to open their new premises in Buttermarket Street and this year they have officially opened their new café on the ground floor which is proving very popular.

Although the charity is focused on Army veterans the café is open to everyone so call in and relax on a sofa, have a chat, a drink and a bite to eat – the cakes are delicious.

Around the same time as the Blue Apple opened I set up the bipolar support group as a legacy of the Mayor’s charity and this is going well.

Just as Mark said during his talk ‘opening up and talking about your illness in a supportive atmosphere is often the first step to improving your mental health’.

Both the Blue Apple Charity and the monthly Bipolar meetings provide such help and support.

The Warrington Bipolar Support Group meets at the Gateway, opposite the Town Hall, at 7pm on the first Tuesday of each month.

There is no charge and anyone who has the illness or has a family member or friend suffering from the illness is most welcome.

We have four more guests lined up to speak at our meetings including Adrian Derbyshire, Phil Cooper, State of Mind (RFL) and Creative Remedies.

Further information can be found on the Bipolar UK website at bipolaruk.org or email info@bipolaruk.org and follow facebook.com/bipolaruk, tweet twitter.com/bipolaruk or call support services on 0333 323 3880.

GEOFF SETTLE Former Mayor of Warrington