LIVEWIRE is in control of the library service but it has deliberately and systematically run it down over recent years to a point when the management thinks it can now justify proclaiming that it is a failing and unwanted resource that deserves to be further reduced.


Libraries are a unique and valuable asset that must be preserved, maintained and enhanced for the future benefit of all Warrington residents, whether current library members or not.

A few weeks ago a young mum visited Stockton Heath library with her excited six-year old daughter.

She told the librarian that she had asked her daughter what she would like to do.

“Can we go to the ‘book factory’?

the child asked.

“The book factory?” her mum enquired.

“Do you mean the library?”


“The book factory.”

So here they were.

The mum described how excited her child was to be able to come to the library and to spend as long as she wanted looking through the children’s books and choosing whichever ones to take home and read and read again.

She had been given her own library card which meant that she was a member of this book factory and could come as often as she wanted and would be able to read books to entertain, delight and educate her – and so begin what, for many tens of thousands of people before her, is likely to be a lifetime love of reading books.

How are these library members and residents of Warrington going to continue to enjoy that thrill of searching through hundreds of real paper books before choosing which ones to take home?

What excitement will they feel from ordering online?

One way for LiveWire to save money would be to change its priorities and stop the unnecessary and fanciful expansion in the number of fitness centres – there are more than enough commercial centres already.