A EDWARDS shoots himself in the foot by continuing to propagate the lie of £350 million on the side of the Brexit buses (Warrington Guardian, August 18).

I say lie because as the ONS states: ‘This amount of money was never actually transferred to the EU’.

He selectively quotes the ONS but fails to include the introductory caveat, ‘please note that none of the figures on the money flowing between the UK and EU are fully reflective of the total costs and benefits of EU membership as these are complex and difficult to quantify’.

The contribution is variable based on measures of economic activity and will vary year to year.

It represents less than 0.4 per cent of your taxes and includes monies the UK will have to spend whatever our status.

It is also important to give it context – this month the Governor of the Bank of England had to spend £70 billion at a stroke to shore up confidence in the economy caused by the uncertainty of a Brexit.

Meanwhile the Brexit three continue their turf war, unable to recruit civil servants and employing consultants.

They are beginning to realise the disaster they have wrought will take a decade or more to put right at huge cost to us all.

Not only is the fat lady not singing, she doesn’t know where or when the concert is.