I WRITE in reply to Chris Crompton’s letter of October 8 and to point out that it was after professional consultants advised that the Cavaille Coll organ should be moved that alternative venues were sought.

It was stressed that because it is sited without a consistent atmosphere (it is either too hot or too cold) it is deteriorating. It needs more than the Parr Hall can provide.

As to his wider point about a theatre for Warrington – I would have expected his professional experience would have shown him that to provide wings, flats and facilities for getting scenery in and out with the organ in place is much more than ‘tweaking’ – not to mention a raked floor so that audiences can see what is on the stage.

The Parr Hall is a fine concert hall not a theatre.

There is no intention to compete with our two city neighbours. What we need is a 300 to 400 seat space where our excellent amateur drama, music and dance groups can learn their trades and perform to local audiences. (I assume Mr Crompton did not start dance at the Royal Ballet School?) We might attract the occasional professional touring company.

Northern Broadsides used to do open air performances in Warrington.

However I do agree with him about the council’s lack of interest.

They are taking note that more needs to be done to promote our heritage but they seem to think culture is rugby or shopping.

They say we need to attract highly skilled people to work in our town but do little to keep them here for other leisure interests.

At least they could help Theatre for Warrington (T4W) find a suitable town centre venue and with bidding for grants. (Mr Crompton is welcome too).


Warrington and District Arts Council