I WRITE with reference to the letter from Alan Dobson of Lymm (Warrington Guardian, August 28) about the letters local electors will have received regarding electoral registration confirmation.

The majority of the statutory forms and stationery, including the confirmation letter which many electors have received, was designed by the Electoral Commission — and electoral registration officers are not permitted to alter its content in any way, including the questionable grammar!

A number of residents’ comments have been received regarding the wording of the confirmation letter and we have referred them to the Cabinet Office and the Electoral Commission.

The Cabinet Office has now responded that while we may alter the positioning of text in the said letter, we are still not permitted to amend the wording.

I sometimes sit in the Town Hall in wonderment of central government guidance.

This is another wonderful example.

We did use our social media channels to explain how to opt out of the open register, and there are details on our website about this.

Any resident who is still confused should call our helpful election team on 442184 or e-mail elections@ warrington.gov.uk and they will helpfully oblige and give some sensible local advice.

Professor Steven Broomhead Chief executive Warrington Borough Council