HELEN Jones MP recently asked during a parliamentary debate on health: ‘When the Government decided to slash council budgets, did they know what effect it would have on hospitals, particularly A&E, and decide to carry on anyway; in which case they are too callous to be running the NHS, or did they not know; in which case they are too stupid to be running the NHS?’ Is this the kind of rhetoric we want our MP to use in Westminster debates?

Why, instead of displaying her usual talent for dishing out sarcasm and Labour spin, did she not point out some factual examples from her own hospital? Why didn’t she sing the praises of what has been achieved at Warrington Hospital in the past 12 months?

Last December the Guardian reported that after a £1.4 million boost for our busy A&E a further £2 million plus had been pumped into our hospital to create a new medical unit.

The focus of the new ‘acute medical unit’ with the help of 38 new nurses, two extra consultants with eight additional consultants in unit by April, is about meeting current Government ‘national guidance’ for seeing the right person in the right setting – first time and arriving at faster diagnosis. I can testify to how successful this is proving after suffering a suspected cardiac problem myself and being admitted to A&E. From start to finish the experience was exemplinary. Fast, professional, caring and couldn't be faulted. The result also, thankfully, was more than excellent. Anyone at Warrington Hospital who may have seen Helen Jones’ remarks will find them demeaning.

She had a great opportunity to tell everyone how well her own hospital was responding to the demands. But not Mrs Jones, she is only interested in party politics.

It wasn’t long ago she was spreading doom and gloom trying to score political points about the NHS by spreading unfounded rumours and alarm in the Guardian that vascular surgery was to be moved to Chester. Not bothered how many patients that might have caused a great deal of concern and worry to. I am surprised that some one like this can be elected to represent the people of Warrington north.

A Edwards Fearnhead