G'day England.

What a day, crikey! I could be the next steve irwin!!

We went to Lone Park Koala Sanctury yesterday. I shocked myself and conquered some fears.

You've got to visit this place if you come over. Cuddling koalas, feeding kangaroos and holding a snake all in one day, does it get any better?

It was a scorcher, so, so humid but it didn't matter. My biggest fear in life was snakes, this one was a carpet python, no more fears, they're beautiful creatures, misunderstood. Learning about them gave me the confidence to hold one. I still can't believe that I've done it.

Cuddling koalas? They sleep for 19 hours a day and eat for the remainder, what a life. (sounds like me).

And then feeding the roos on the open plains. crikey! Emus chasing you for the food! England players note: this is how to get the kangaroos eating out the palm of your hand!

Last night went for some schooners of xxxx bitter. In English, went for some beers with the locals.

Had a great time. Everybody is so friendly(no meter maids were out tho). Getting a taste for the local rum.

They all go out early here, say 5pm, and go home at 9ish because they get up at 4am before the temperature gets up.

Feel a bit hungover today, too much rum. I can still taste the Coffin Bay oysters that I had. Good idea at the time!

Ahead of today's semi final, been doing a bit of shopping in Brisbane city. Pressies for my wife and kids - ugg boots, cant remember the size though.

Next week we are going away to a resort called Noosa on the Gold Coast(Richard Branson's got a place there).

We've planned to go to Australia Zoo, Steve Irwin's place. You never know, I could be wrestling the crocs!

All the best, Steve Irwin the second