WOLVES’ players and fans have their say on the performance at Wigan.


Frank Hawley: A great team performance. Regrouped well after injuries and showed benefit of John Clarke's addition to the back room staff. Two top of the table clashes in 8 days with a hard game at a resurgent Hull FC thrown in too......not in too bad a position at too of the league. Hope injuries clear up quickly as a full strength Wolves are a match for any team at present.

John D. Hodgkinson: If Chris had been able to stay on the pitch, we would have stuck 50 on Wigan!

Derek Musson: Missed kicks could have cost-us

Neil Birchall: Thought the score flattered wigan


Daryl Clark (@Darylclark9): Very tough Easter period glad to finish it with a massive win at DW GREAT effort from all the boys body's feeling it this morning

Ben Currie (@BenoCurrie): Wow body is sore today 3 games in 8 days!! 😫😫.. Worth it tho after a win, loved last night!! Wire fans that traveled made plenty of noise!

Chris Hill @Chrishilly1987: Not much sleep but was well worth it, that win was dedicated to a very special Gran who we sadly lost midweek.

Reactions to Chris Sandow’s hamstring injury:

Facebook, Warrington Wolves-Warrington Guardian page and link:

Jamie Chambers: It's a big loss, as Sandow has been playing with those magical NRL skills he is known for. However, what impressed me at the DW stadium equally as much as his individual performance, was the fact that we dealt with it so admirably. Our defence was robust and we scored a couple more cracking tries in his absence. Gidley is still the centre of the wheel in the halves and I imagine this Friday in particular will be a tight affair. We still have class all over to deal with Sandow not being on the pitch and I'm confident we will.

Peter Mairs: Don't think we will miss him as much as people think. We've still got gids who is playing well and to have ratch as a back up half is amazing for the club I think we will do just as good without him but we will miss his magic certainly.

Ste Barton: Gutted for him still going b a class team with out sandow Andy Bibby: A bad injury at a good time. We need to learn to attack and win without him. It'll do us no harm even if we lose the odd game. We’re in a strong position. We don't want another Briers or Sinfield scenario again.

Rob Bate: Although most definitely Sandow has been our stand out player so far and yes we will miss him. I'm more than happy with Gidley,Ratchford or even Patton stepping up. That's our strength this year. The quality from top to bottom.