BARONESS Newlove has announced a new £1million community fund to tackle binge and underage drinking.

As the Government’s champion for active safer communities, Baroness Newlove, whose husband Garry was killed by three thugs in an attack outside their Padgate home, launched the fund.

It will give 10 communities the resources to tackle problem drinking.

The fund will allow police, health workers, businesses and residents to deal with problem drinking and also inspire other communities to act.

Baroness Newlove said: “I am sick of the harm caused by those young people who put themselves and others at risk from illegal drinking.

“The crime and anti-social behaviour that comes in its wake is a terrible blight on this country.

“It destroys the quality of life of innocent people and in the process sucks up huge amounts of public funding to repair the damage done to people and places.”

The new fund will be bid-based and will be assessed on certain criteria.

Details of the fund and the application process are yet to be released.