Dear James

I feel two 'people' in separate parts of my house - one of whom appears to want to contact me, the other doesn't.

Neither is threatening. Another room is often cold at night even in warm weather.

Who are these people?

Thanks, Tony

Dear Tony

Protection is what I get from the house.

You would never ask anyone for help as you're independent so I feel the spirit stay in the back ground.

The cold room can indicate spirit but I don’t feel as though you are being haunted. You’re a man of questions and looking for solid answers.

You know what’s right and wrong with the world but very open to people's opinions. You are also a very deep thinker and a sensitive man.

I would say you want your father around from the spirit world but would hate him to be stuck here. He isn’t, but he does come around and is happy to give you your privacy.