COLLECT vouchers and win cash for your schools in a new Barclays and Warrington Guardian competition.

Launching this week and running until the middle of June, we will print vouchers in the Warrington Guardian every week.

All you have to do is keep collecting them.

The school with the most vouchers will win £3,000 to spend.

Last year, the prize was won by Oakwood Avenue Primary School in Padgate so the race is on to take this year’s crown.

Rachel Herbinson, community business partner at Barclays North West, said: “Our attitudes to money are often formed as a result of our early experiences so, for example, if our family had very little money we may be more careful with our own as a result.

“Alternatively, if it appeared as though family members got everything they asked for, then we may struggle to prioritise our own spending.

“Helping increase money skills at an early age can make a huge difference when they become responsible for their own finances.

“Barclays Money Skills aims to help overcome the hurdles faced by many young people whey they begin to deal with their own money.

“The programme will equip young people with the skills and confidence to make sound financial choices, which is at the heart of our programme.”