MEMBERS of the Winsford and Middlewich Rotary Club gathered together last Tuesday to celebrate their 50th anniversary.

The event was staged at the Portal Golf and Country Club, in Tarporley, where 126 people representing the 46 clubs in the district sat down to dinner.

Winsford and Middlewich's Rotary president, Anthony Powell, led the celebrations and official guests included Neil Hill, president of Rotary International of Great Britain and Ireland; Geoff Mackay, former chairman of the Rotoract Council of Britain and Ireland, and Governor Rotarian Derek Silverwood.

The guests made speeches emphasising the need to support local charities as well as giving assistance to children in third world countries.

Rotarian Alan Isherwood prepared an extensive review of the club's activities over the past 50 years which included an impressive exhibition of photographs, and the club's longest serving member, Lawrence Wakefield, recited the Rotary Grace.

The Rotary Club would like to thank Portal Golf and Country Club who provided the excellent meals and services.

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