The building, which was once a classroom and common room for students at The Grange School, has been a blackened husk since firebugs torched it in the summer.

But a group of young people from the village has asked Hartford Parish Council to try and acquire the site so that new youth facilities could be set up there.

Village mum Lesley Kenny, speaking for her daughter Naomi and her friends, told councillors last week: "I'm just very conscious that there's nothing to do in Hartford for young people aged between 12 and 17.

"It's fine to suggest that they go round to someone's house, but parents aren't going to put up with a crowd of 12 or more friends all invading the living room.

"The Martin Building would make an ideal site for them."

Other youngsters suggested that they would be willing to take responsibility for any facilities offered to them - even volunteering to set up a membership card scheme and disciplinary system.

Mrs Kenny added: "Parents were so fed up with the situation, they might even help to mix concrete to help with building a new site."

Clr Shirley Harris, chairman of the council, said she supported their aims: "Obviously there is a need for something to do. But the Martin Building is listed, and it takes years to delist those things. It also belongs to The Grange School, with whom we are discussing our options."

Clr Keith Musgrave was more outspoken: "I can't imagine anyone in the village wants to keep the wretched thing there in its present state.

"I sincerely hope there's no-one who would fight for its survival, just because it's Britain's first portacabin."

Both councillors agreed to consider its use as a youth centre, but also stated that they hope to gain a similar facility through the Grange Farm development.

If you're a parent who is worried about what your children can do in Hartford, or if you're a young person and you'd like to try and set up new facilities, Lesley would love to hear from you. Ring her on 01606 889834.

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