DETECTIVES are looking at possible links between letter bombs delivered to addresses in Church Lawton and Yorkshire.

Six-year-old Leah Cain suffered superficial injuries to her legs and feet after opening a letter bomb delivered with the morning post.

The device was sent to the Cain family home in Church Lawton, and is believed to have been intended for Leah's father Michael, who works in the pest control business.

Cheshire Police are now looking to see whether the letter bomb is similar to two other devices delivered to addresses in Yorkshire on Friday.

A 58-year-old farmer from the town of Ripon in North Yorkshire suffered minor facial injuries when a small parcel containing nails exploded.

In a separate incident the same day a female member of staff at an estate agents suffered eye and facial injuries when she opened a letter containing a small explosive device.

The estate agency is in the village of Patrington in East Yorkshire, and deals with livestock auctions.

A Cheshire police spokeswoman said detectives were waiting for results of forensic tests on the three devices to see whether there was any link between them.

The package delivered to the Cain household contained pins and ball bearings inside a post office jiffy bag.