A SCHOOLBOY was hailed a hero this week - for saving his Mum's life.

Andrew Kelly was only four when his mum, Janet, suddenly collapsed on the kitchen floor at their home in Murdishaw.

She was unconscious and haemorrhaging - yet he immediately flew into action.

He jumped onto the kitchen table, grabbed the phone and rang for an ambulance.

He kept his little two-year-old brother, Liam, calm until help arrived.

He then told paramedics how to contact relatives to look after them whilst they took his Mum into hospital.

This week, Andrew received a Local Hero' award from Asda, as part of its Tickled Pink breast cancer charity appeal.

Weaver Vale MP Mike Hall, who presented the certificate, said: "I was delighted to be at Asda to support its breast cancer charity event.

"I was very pleased to meet the young hero, Andrew, and congratulate him on his incredible achievement."

Andrew was nominated by his Mum, Janet.

She said: "He saved my life. I am very proud of him.

"He climbed onto the kitchen table to reach the phone and rang for an ambulance.

"They kept talking to him.

"He kept his little brother calm and quiet until they arrived.

"I had only taken him to the fire station a few weeks before. Firemen told him in any emergency, to ring 999, and he had remembered."

Andrew, now aged eight and a pupil at Murdishaw West Primary School, didn't know anything about the award ceremony.

"It was a big surprise," said his Mum.

"I didn't tell him about it. I'm really made up with him.

"I know I can always rely on him."

This is the second time food giant Asda has supported the Tickled Pink breast cancer charity appeal.