IN an age when it is fashionable to criticise everything and in particular the National Health Service, may I sing aloud its praises?

In June, my 92-year-old Father was admitted to Victoria Infirmary, Northwich, following a general deterioration in his health. He stayed there for three weeks prior to his heart attack when he was transferred to Leighton Hospital, where he eventually passed away on July 21.

In both hospitals, the quality of care given to him and in addition the tender loving care lavished upon him, completely overwhelmed my family and myself.

We are fed so many stories of lack of care for the elderly due to cut backs, but in our experience, we cannot speak too highly of the general nursing standards and of the dedication of all the nursing staff and doctors who attended him.

My grateful thanks especially to Dr Jones, who took time out of his busy schedule to explain the medical complications, and to nurses Emma and Kate, from wards one and five respectively, who did everything they could to relieve his suffering and help us through those harrowing weeks.

Bless you all and long live the NHS.

