WHINGE, whinge, nothing but whinge. I am sick of reading about the NIMBYs in Moulton trying to whip up emotion with their scare mongering over the Minosus proposals.

Their's is not the only opinion in this issue of waste management and that's what it is all about, waste management.

I care about what happens to industrial waste and I don't want any more of it put into landfill sites than is absolutely necessary and utilising the mines is a sensible idea.

The application by Minosus is a viable alternative to see this waste put deep in the ground not close to the surface with a thin covering of soil.

The application should be supported as a positive use of the mine and not just shouted down like the people of RAMP would like.

This like many misunderstood applications has seen the scaremongers crawling out of the woodwork with their placards and slogans proclaiming that they have the moral high ground.

I want to see the mines used this way and I am sure I am not alone in this.

Playing on emotions may seem like an effective way to oppose an application but it also shows up ignorance in the argument.

Everything has to go somewhere and there will always be people who don't want something near them.

No doubt if it was a prison or a power station or a home for the mentally ill the same people would be on the streets bleating and stirring up emotions as to why it is in the wrong place.

The RAMP people should also remember that councillors are part of a democratic process and should not be swayed by flag waving emotions but by thoughtful deliberation and sensible judgement.

So come on councillors, support this constructive and common sense use of the mines for the benefit of many and don't get swayed by a few noisy local NIMBYs (Not In My Back Yard).

