THERE'S a new look to this season's programme of talks at the Northwich and District Heritage Society.

For not only has the venue changed to Hartford High School but the subject of the talks will cover a wider area.

The wide selection of subjects will include, The story of the RAF, Burtonwood; Surviving the blitz; the Macclesfield canal; Theatres in Chester; Local traditions, Jodrell Bank's Observatory and Crewe during the last century.

Chairman Richard Kelsall said: "I think this is one of the most varied programmes of illustrated talks we have ever put on and I hope people take advantage by joining the society right now.

"By joining the society you get incredible value for very little outlay as well as supporting the excellent local work of the society."

The new season of talks begins with "Little America", the story of RAF Burtonwood at Hartford High School on Friday October 19 at 8pm. Non members pay at the door £1.50.

Car parking facilities are exactly the same as for last year's programme and the entrance to the school is off Chester Road in Hartford.

If you want to become a member write a cheque payable to Northwich & District Heritage Society and send it to Mike Smith, 16 Hartford Road, Davenham, CW9 8JE. Cost is £6 (ordinary membership) £8 (family membership) or £3 for the over 60s. Membership means free admittance to all the other talks plus benefits.