I AM writing with regard to the ever growing crowd of children that have descended upon the junction of Routledge Street and Greenway Road in Widnes.

This is on a nightly basis and they have no consideration or courtesy for residents or vehicles in the area.

They use our vehicles as climbing equipment.

Being a resident myself with two young children, and having lived in the area for the last five years, I have noticed the ages of the children are getting younger and they are staying out later.

The vast majority of the children are not from Greenway Road, but from the surrounding areas.

You would think in this day and age with rising crimes against children and speeding motorists, that parents would think twice before allowing their children to play in the road.

Whatever happened to parents caring for their children and protecting them from harm?

Why, when these children have a beautiful park and playing area only two minutes away, do they not play there?

Surely the argument can't be that the park is not a safe place to play as they are currently conducting out of school activities in a residential area on a busy road.

They are becoming a nuisance within the community.

What must we do?

Wait until an accident occurs before the parents start taking responsibility for their offspring?

Or is the council waiting for an accident to happen before they put into action the promised traffic calming scheme?

Irate resident, Greenway Road, Widnes