CONGLETON MP Ann Winterton is calling on the Home Secretary to tackle the question of why Britain is seen as "such a soft touch" for asylum seekers.

Mrs Winterton said the UK immigration system had collapsed, with increasing numbers of asylum seekers coming here because they know they will not be deported.

The latest estimates put the number of illegal immigrants in Britain at one million, she said.

"The UK and French governments need to harmonise legislation to make Britain less attractive for asylum seekers," said Mrs Winterton.

"The Red Cross admits that if the British government was not offering immigrants a welcome with such advantageous conditions they would not arrive in such numbers.

"Most people agree it is totally unfair for bogus asylum seekers and economic migrants to be allowed to enter the UK with the sole intention of benefiting from our health, education and welfare systems, when they are funded by our nation's hard-pressed taxpayers."

She said the detention of asylum seekers in secure reception centres would help to deter unfounded claims, speed up the decision-making process and considerably reduce the huge backlog of applications.

"There should be reform of the work permit system, with a new system introduced designed to let people enter the UK only if their skills correspond with gaps in the domestic jobs market," she added.

"We need urgent action from the government to help protect the UK's interests and safeguard the position of genuine refugees so they receive a fair deal."