WITH an insatiable appetite for tales from the past, Janet Fenney, a regular customer of this column, has now come up with a few more yedscratters concerning characters and places from the comparatively recent past.

She firstly asks: "Can anyone shed light on a one-time local personality known as Buggy Warren, a member of the Salvation Army who lived in the Hammond Street-Somerset Street area of Parr?"

And Janet, from Crawford Street, Clock Face, who keenly researches such matters, adds: "I'd also like to know more about a character called Johnny, I believe from the Parr Stocks Road area, on the same side as the Fitzgeralds shoe shop.

"He used to deliver newspapers too and also walked around town with an advertising sandwich board on his back".

And moving from people to places, she asks: "Does anyone know how Smithy Brew (Brow) got its name? Am I right in thinking there may have been a smithy there at one time?

"In that particular location there was once a paint factory", she says. "But does anyone have any recollections concerning this?"

IF you can help Janet fill in a few gaps, then please write to Whalley's World at the Star.