THEIR bright new classroom is a big hit with Acton CE Primary School youngsters.

Learning is fun in the £33,000 activity room that was given an official launch on Friday.

It was also given the thumbs up by the Mayor and Mayoress, Terry and Janet Beard who gave it a civic send off.

The room has sand and water play areas, shop, hospital and home centres and a computer area.

"The project was prompted by an OFSTED report that recommended the school should have a room where the children could use large play-and-learn equipment," said Acton head teacher, David Wycherley.

"Half of the cost was funded by a grant and the remaining £16,500 had to be raised by the school and its supporters. The fund-raising effort has been marvellous and we'd like to thank everyone who contributed."

Sponsored horse riding and line dancing, a dog show, brass band concert, bonfire and cosmetics sale were amongst the money-spinners.

"We have had backing from the PTA, the parish council, local groups and organisations plus individual contributors. Everyone has pulled together," Mr Wycherley added.

The Acton school is Church-of-England aided and the Bishop of Stockport also attended the opening.

Pictured enjoying a sand-play session are Roxanne Malton, James Staley and Robert Harper.