WHAT do you think of the revamped council?

The council's new board structure will be under review at a forthcoming public event and views are being sought.

It's been six months since the new committee system and the eight-member board was introduced. Now the council wants to look at how it is performing.

The council has said it wants the public to take an active part in ensuring the system is meeting the needs of all and has issued an open invitation to the public event on October 17.

The changes have heralded the end of over 100 years of tradition with the introduction of the board.

Members of the board, which is very similar to the Cabinet system in central Government, each have their own area of responsibility such as housing and rural issues.

There are also new committees to keep an eye on board decisions and ensure it is working to maximum effect.

Board leader, Cllr Peter Kent, said: "With the introduction of any new way of working, it is important that its methods and objectives are assessed and modified wherever necessary to ensure it is delivering what it set out to do.

"Our new system was introduced with the aim of enabling quicker, more accountable decision-making and increased public interest and involvement in decisions that affect their lives.

"We want to know if you think it has been doing that."

The conference will start at 10am at Crewe's Municipal Buildings, finishing at 4pm.

As well as members of the public, there will be representatives from Parish Councils and community organisations.

Place numbers are limited so anyone interested in coming is asked to book their place, free of charge, by calling 537566.