AMERICA'S loss has touched the world.

Every race, every age and every profession has shared the suffering of the families and friends of the thousands who died when terrorists rocked the world.

Last week pupils at Knutsford High School told the Knutsford Guardian how talk of war had spread to the playground as usually carefree teenagers start to worry about their future.

And - as fears of a war that could reach Britain's shores increased this week - one boy spoke for many with his written words.

High School pupil Michael Westrup, who hopes to study English at university, wrote a poem about the atrocities and the impending war.

He fears God must have turned his back on the human race and left us in a world full of threats to our everyday lives.

The verse (below) may reflect the worries of many youngsters who watched the events that changed the world.

I am sick and tired of living in an oppressive society, full of threats to our lives and our very sanity.

I have become so jaded with our place in the world that I have renounced my faith in higher beings.

Any god who can allow the many atrocities this planet has seen, innumerable mediaeval wars, two world wars, the Holocaust and more recently the crippling of a country, must surely have turned his or her back on us, if they were ever there in the first place.