PLAQUES in the crematorium garden of Widnes cemetery are not being removed, Halton Council has reassured bereaved relatives.

An anxious lady feared her sister's plaque was about to be taken down after being given incorrect information by cemetery staff.

"It was upsetting," said the woman. "We were only trying to find out what was happening.

"I was told by someone at the cemetery that they had to be taken down, but now it seems they are not being moved."

It was only the commemorative plaques in the hall of remembrance at the crematorium that were initially subject to 25-year leases.

These began to expire in 1989.

A spokesperson for Halton Council, said: "Extensive searches were made comparing the electoral register with the information regarding applicants' details. In most cases, it was found that the applicants no longer resided at these addressed. A formal procedure was agreed by the council for the removal of the plaques.

"In view of the difficulties tracing applicants, signs were erected in December 2000 notifying people that their leases had expired, and the individual plaques affected were clearly marked.

"These signs remained in place for nine months before any of the plaques were removed.

"Removal commenced in September 2001, following which all plaques have been stored pending instructions from the applicants regarding their collection or disposal. The space will remain free for a further six months, following which they will be re-let.

"Plaques in the crematorium's garden of remembrance are unaffected as most are leased for a 50-year period."

Anyone wishing to renew the lease on a relative's plaque or to collect an expired plaque can contact 0151-471 7332.