NE of Warrington's most promising up-and-coming bands is preparing to launch itself onto the region's music scene.

Sentinal (sic) Fake is a four-piece rock group, which is aiming to push the boundaries of the genre.

With the launch of their debut EP, the group are also gearing up for gigs in and around Manchester and Liverpool.

Sentinal Fake's members are a mixture of the experienced and the emotive.

In singer, Ste, who used to sing in another local group Shapes of Angels, they have a dramatic front man who exudes passion, which is reflected in the strength of the songs.

Guitarist David is the catalyst for most of the songs - influenced by the likes of Wildhearts, Guns 'N' Roses and Green Day, while Katie originally joined the group as a stopgap bass player but has really blossomed.

Mark is a multi-instrumentalist who also plays a large part in the creation of the songs and despite preferring the keyboard, plays drums for the group.

Track by track their debut EP, Through The Crowd, delivers variety, from the lively opener Driven Down through to the epic string-laden piano-led closer Adrift, the group delivers on record what it has done on the live scene for the past few years.

The Infinite Sadness; The Folk Song begins with a light lilt and explodes into an intriguing chorus of distortion and electric harpsichords while Without You is a breathless crescendo of drums and guitars.

You can see Sentinal Fake next when they perform at the latest Warrington Music Collective at the Parr Hall on February 23.