HOW innovative and refreshing to see Liverpool City Council adopting an approach to help save Birchfield Primary School.

What a pity Knowsley Council could not adopt the same approach for Southmead School in Whiston.

Southmead recently went before the Schools Organisation Committee and because of a split decision we now have to go to adjudication.

The school has a glowing OFSTED report and throughout this threatened closure we have retained our pupils and have actually gained seven new pupils, we also continue to take in nursery children.

All parents and the community are 100 per cent behind this school.

In view of this, maybe Knowsley Council could find it in their hearts to remove this threat of closure and do something positive to help the children and the community.

Southmead has done so well to get this far and I stress that we will continue to carry the fight. If Knowsley Council persist and we go to adjudication, then hopefully an independent person who looks at our case will judge us fairly on our merits and also look at the many inaccuracies in the LEA's case.

SUE Bolton, chairperson, Southmead Parent Action Group.