TO REITERATE what the gentleman said in your letters page about empty shops. I have been thinking the same myself for months.

I don't know if it's the owners of the premises charging too high a rent or the council tax which is too high, or both, which is stopping these shops from making a go of it.

If this is the case, couldn't they come up with a package between them that would attract more business rather than have empty shops with no benefit to anyone?

I have, in the last few weeks, watched more shops close. In all, from Wistaston traffic lights to the bus station, there are 26 empty shops at present, that's without High Town, West Street and Nantwich Road.

There are more than enoughplaces to eat in Crewe, don't people cook anymore?

You can eat in or take away every day for a month and never use the same place twice!

What we need is a wider variety of shops, we shouldn't have to shop out of town, come on council, finger out.

A Crewe resident

Name and address supplied