THERE are three key reasons for supporting the Liberal Democrats.

Our priorities are your priorities, value for money and protecting the environment.

Too often the council seems to be more concerned with its own grand schemes and strategies, rather than the basic day-to day issues important to local people.

Liberal Democrat councillors concentrate on the key issues.

Keeping local areas well-maintained, clean streets, good lighting and pavements, co-operating with the police to meet local needs.

Because we do not operate a 'party whip' your Liberal Democrat councillor can vote in line with their conscience and your local needs, not following party orders.

Year after year council tax bills have gone up by more than the rate of inflation.

Liberal Democrat suggestions to hold the increases to the rate of inflation have been voted down by both Labour and Conservatives.

This year we urged an increase of no more than 2.5pc instead of the other parties voted through an increase of nearly 6pc.

We have been outspoken in protecting the environment. We were the only party to vote that housing rates in the borough should be reduced. Constant house building on an excessive scale destroys green spaces and takes the vitality from older areas of housing.