LABOUR has produced a major statement called Caring and Competent of the issues, that face our borough in the coming few years.

There are 19 different issues in all, each with a set of actions, which Labour councillors have agreed to pursue.

Everyone is welcome to request the full statement - just ring 01270 258933 or email

Within that, there are priorities:

Improving leisure facilities for young and old, by encouraging investment from the private sector, and by freeing up the £400,000 plus that's currently tied into an out of date agreement with the county council.

Working with police and county council to create both a safer environment and an awareness of how safe the borough is.

Strengthening ward councillors in bringing together all the people who have influence and power in their area, to tackle local problems, like litter 'grot-spot' with local solutions and local funding.

Standing by the Lyceum Theatre, demonstrating that it provides good value for money and challenging its critics to be honest about their aims.

We challenge the other parties to produce their proposals in this detail so electors will know the real difference between parties.