I'VE been following the story about Halton High School with interest being a teacher (and father) myself.

There will be no doubt that the teachers/management of the school will be doing their best within the National circumstances.

For 20 years it has been apparent that the number of people entering teaching has been declining.

This has been particularly true of Science, IT and Maths where much higher incomes are available in other careers; with less criticism, blame, and constant monitoring of performances.

As the number of entrants for teacher training has fallen year on year, successive Governments have traded on the good will of the (remaining) staff to keep the system running.

This has hidden the crisis about staffing which occasionally makes headlines.

Many teachers have been in this position, myself included, of trying to cover too many classes.

It is disgraceful and worrying for the parents, pupils and staff.

However, there is a massive national shortage and the true blame lies with politicians.

Bernard Smith, Birchfield Rd, Widnes