I WAS very surprised, and alarmed, to see the letter and press release informing us of the proposed closure of the crown court, especially with all the denials of recent months and weeks.

I was even more horrified at the timescale available for 'consultation' - four weeks from the letter date April 10, which means comments by May 8.

The press release, though, stated that responses were required by May 1 with no consideration given to dates of Knutsford Town Council meetings.

We seem to be forever in this situation of really being 'up against the wall' for time, on what are very important issues for the town.

A gross error in the Court Service's letter is the fact that they quote the building as Grade II listed status rather than the more important classification of Grade II*. I tried to get more information from the Lord Chancellor's Department from a website with an 84 digit address, only to see on the screen a message that said 'This page not on display'.

I then alerted other members of Knutsford Town Council's planning applications committee to attend a hastily convened meeting to discuss the preparation of a draft letter, in response, for ratification at last night's town council meeting. In addition, I shall be urging all councillors to write their own letters of protest regarding the proposed closure (mine has already been posted) and will encourage them to sign your petition.


Town Mayor
