A SPORTS club in Middlewich hit the fundraising trail at the weekend with a gruelling physical challenge.

Middlewich Town Football Club spent Saturday and Sunday travelling back from Llangollen in Wales to their home town - by boat and cycle.

The sponsored effort saw nine adults and three youngsters, who are all involved with the youth team, either cycling or canoeing through Wales and holding a collection on their way.

It was a gruelling effort that aimed to raise much-needed funds for the youth team and club - and it proved to be a real success.


Team member Christine Goostrey said: "It was brilliant. We had a really good time and got back well in advance of when we expected.

"We were going as far as we could with the canoes and then the back up squad was on hand to take over. We camped up on the Saturday night and got back to Middlewich at about 1pm on Sunday.

"Our team raised £400 in sponsorship and there were eight teams in all. We are still waiting to see how much each has raised but hopefully it will be a good amount. We collected £66 on our way through as well.

"All the money will be going to the youth football development work at Middlewich Town FC."