IMAGINATIVE flower arrangers are being challenged to use their creative skills at the Queens Hall.

Widnes Horticultural Society is staging its 41st annual show on Sunday, September 1.

The popular floral art competition will be judged in two categories, those displayed depicting the golden jubilee or those based on any sporting event of 2002.

Exhibitors must create their designs at the show and staging is held on Saturday evening and Sunday morning.

Photographers are invited to submit colour or black and white pictures depicting a celebration or social gathering or any horticultural subject.

Home bakers, artists, embroiders and handicraft enthusiasts will also be welcome to have a go at various other categories.

Flower, vegetable and fruit growers can display an array of home-grown blooms and produce.

For a schedule or further details, contact Ann Martindale on 0151-424 7844 or Brenda Tough on 0151-424 7380.