THE sky's the limit for two budding young journalists who have completed a multi media course.

Katy Weisberg, 16, who will be attending St John Deane's College next year and Gemma Gibbs, 14, who attends Frodsham High School were selected from hundreds of applicants to attend the north west leg of Reach For The Sky Live.

The residential course was held in Liverpool, and was designed to be interactive providing various workshops that give young people a chance to explore their talents and find out more about journalism.

The girls were involved in activities ranging from writing stories to working with radio broadcast equipment. They were also given the opportunity to create running orders and to film their own bulletin in the mobile Sky recording studio.

In addition to the practical side of the course, the girls also learnt about the qualifications needed and the routes into the media business.

Katy said: "The whole thing was an amazing experience especially considering it was all inclusive. All the workshops were excellent.

"There was a good balance between practical fun work and useful information. I loved all of it and just the chance to meet people from the industry and learn from them was great."

Reach For The Sky Live is a free course for young people and is held in association with Television and Young People (TVYP) - the educational arm of The Guardian International Television Festival.

Ben Stimson, group head of corporate affairs at BSkyB, said: "Reach For The Sky Live helps young people at a key point in their lives when they make key decisions about what subjects to take at GCSE.

"We have a lot of motivated and talented young people in this country and it's crucial for everyone's future that we inspire our young generation to achieve all they are capable of."