DO we live in a real democracy is the question posed by Homer of Rudheath, and while I fully agree with his opinion, this further question should be asked: How can we overcome this, combined with the general apathy of the country at large?

Never mind learning from the Europeans - maybe we should change our systems, in part, to the American principle as adopted for presidents - namely two terms only, then out. If this idea were put into practice throughout our local electoral system, perhaps, and I say this with tongue in cheek, more independent and genuine people could come forward for election. This would break up these present old boys' clubs and cronyism, where current and mainly unopposed councillors already have a ready-made successor waiting and willing to carry on their good(!!!) work, if and when they retire.

How about this idea also being taken up by our democratically elected MPs as well - I reckon this just could be a vote winner.