REGARDING your article in last week's Knutsford Guardian on the recycling of rubbish within Macclesfield borough, I am not in the least surprised to see that they are only able to recycle 8% of their waste.

They do not provide the equipment to encourage people to segregate their own rubbish.

The majority of people would do so if the containers were available.

All we get here in Pickmere, where we pay the same council tax as the rest of the borough, are black plastic bags.

Most of the borough also has a blue bag paper collection.

Macclesfield must surely be the last borough in the country to be using the black plastic bags.

They now talk of introducing wheelie bins in a selected area years after all the surrounding boroughs have been using them (Vale Royal has recently provided a second brown bin for garden rubbish.)

We have been poorly served by the refuse department over the years and it is time for them to act. Otherwise people will think that they are suitably named Macclesfield B.C.

