CARE for the elderly in Halton is set to improve following the success of a recent conference aimed at bringing old people and health professionals together.

Lawson House saw more than 70 pensioners from Runcorn and Widnes raising issues over health and social care with NHS staff, carers and members of the council, and the five boroughs partnership.

"It was excellent, I have just being looking through the evaluation forms and everybody seemed to find the day very beneficial and enjoyable," explained event organiser, Barbara Hayley.

She is the borough's Health Development Worker, charged with empowering older people to influence the improvement and development of their services.

She said: "We had a lot of views raised. The availability of information and advice was a concern and the delay in waiting for assessments for things like grab rails was brought up.

"People said how they might wait 12 months for a hospital appointment to find that it had been cancelled."

The health workers stressed in return that if people wanted to improve services they will have to get more involved, as well as complain when they experience poor service.

"They the NHS realise there are gaps but they are working to bridge the gaps with the help of the old people themselves," added Barbara.

"This is just a building block though. As one of the evaluation forms said, if the promises materialise, today will have all been worthwhile."

Anyone wanting to get involved with improving care for the elderly should contact Barbara on 01928-592405.