A RESIDENT from the Littler Cross estate in Winsford has expressed concern about recent spate of crimes in her area.

Nicola Carr wants to warn residents, not only on the estate, but across the whole of Winsford to protect their properties and cars from these vandals.

Several cars were broken into over the weekend of October 6, including Nicola's.

Thieves stole her CD player and CDs and damaged her car, with the total value estimated at £1000.

She said: "I wonder how many other people were 'hit' and were also told by the police that they were an 'isolated trivial incident' and were just given an incident number with no further contact.

"Why can't the police put all these crimes together and see what an enormous problem we are having on this small estate.

"We used to feel safe in our houses and had no worries about leaving our cars on our driveways."

Peter Kenney, community safety officer from Vale Royal Borough Council, said unfortunately this type of crime tended to move around.

He said: "It certainly has not been brought to my attention that this area is a hotspot.

"We do have continuous movement of crime in many areas.

"I am willing to speak to anyone, who wants advice on community safety."

Nicola added: "We on this estate have had enough of what the police call petty crime.

"It is causing untold damage to property and the money being forked out by insurance companies must be enormous.

"To the thieves I would like to say 'your days are numbered' but unless they have something to fear from being caught then they will carry on and just move on to the next area for their rich pickings."

Mr Kenney can be contacted on 01244 613285.
