They found clear evidence that 'inappropriate cases' had been treated there, causing 'a significant clinical risk'.

Some patients had been seen sitting on the floor, space was so cramped, the NHS watchdog said.

The inspectors, part of the Commission for Health Improvement, carried out the review at both Halton and Warrington Hospitals, which merged to form North Cheshire Hospital's Trust.

In their report, released yesterday (Tuesday), they criticised on-the-spot care at Warrington Hospital, the main A&E centre for Runcorn and Widnes.

It said earlier this year, between 10 and 20 patients a night had to sleep in Warrington A&E while waiting for beds - a further 38 per cent of patients said they waited four hours or more to be seen.

High rates of patient mortality were found in other areas and post op emergency readmission rates were also criticised.

Patients at the Genito Urinary Medicine unit had to share a waiting room and this could 'compromise their dignity.'

The report said only 52 per cent of medical staff work the recommended number of hours and have the recommended amount of rest.

It said the hospitals had a high sickness rate and a high turnover of personnel and 'a number of staff reported concern about staff shortages'.

The inspection found that most patients were satisfied were their care and treatment, and that they are treated with respect and dignity by staff.

The Delamere Centre - where Macmillan volunteers provide information and support for cancer patients - was acclaimed by the inspectors, however.

Chief Executive, Paul Cronin, said: "We are delighted that the Delamere Centre has been singled out for particular praise... and we are extremely pleased that our patients are generally satisfied with the care they receive."

He said the trust had reviewed the Genito Urinary Medicine unit to decide how to improve patients' privacy, and that refurbishment work is about to start on the Minor Injuries Unit.

The trust is now drawing up an action plan to target the areas of concern highlighted in the report.