
could cost


PROPOSALS to improve the popular nature spot at Ackers Pit are being considered by Stockton Heath Parish Council - but £40,000 could be needed to finance it.

Groundwork Mersey Valley has been looking into potential redevelopment work at the woodland, including an ambitious plan to dredge the lake.

Alf Pester, chairman of Stockton Heath Parish Council, commissioned the report following concerns over the quality of the water, condition of the banks, overcrowded trees and access to the pit.

Heavy use of the bank and the action of the water has resulted in severe erosion, and the build up of silt makes the water very shallow - less than one metre in places.

Although improvements might not take place for some years, the study said Ackers Pits had the potential to become a 'green oasis' within the busy urban area of Stockton Heath.

The shallow lake remains popular with locals and anglers, containing small pockets of semi-mature woodland dominated by poplars and recently under planted with native species.

Mike Roberts, who carried out the report, is expected to attend a forthcoming parish meeting to explain these tentative ideas to councillors.

Such a large amount of funding is clearly out of the reach of Stockton Heath Parish Council but it could apply for a grant from Landfill Tax, the Countryside Agency, Environment Agency or the lottery-based Awards For All scheme.

Clr Pester said: "Clearly it's an expensive job and if proposals were followed through it could cost up to £40,000.

"However, this figure is merely a top figure estimate and the parish council will not necessarily consider all proposals in the report.

"But during my time on the parish council I've always endeavoured to improve Ackers Pits and I think some action is needed to maintain this mini nature haven."