ALTHOUGH death is a hard issue to deal with at any age, a child may often find the struggle even more unbearable, specially when faced with losing a parent. They may feel that they have no one to turn to, and those that they are surrounded by may simply not understand. Keeping their grief and emotions bottled up can often turn a child's life upside down, causing a decline in their studies and general health, which can, in some serious cases, lead to deep depression.

However, there are people and associations in Warrington and the surrounding area willing to offer their services to help in dealing with the loss of a loved one. The Macmillan cancer care line is open 9am-6pm (Monday to Friday) and offers a wide range of counselling. 0808808 2020. Often talking to someone about the departed, your feelings towards them and how their illness affected your own life can all make dealing with the loss easier, and often clear your mind of any unneeded worry.

I have experienced the loss of a parent to cancer, and know that if it had not been for the stability and understanding with which I was provided by my friends and family, I wouldn't have been able to come to terms with losing one of the closest people to me.

Many associations are continually raising money to fund research for a cure, and on October 26 the 'Warrington Ball' is being held at the Hanover Hotel in aid of cancer research. For tickets and inquiries call Ysanne Seddon on 262580.