My mum died 8 years ago, does she know how much I still miss her?

Andrea, St Helens

Dear Andrea,

Yes, she does - and of course she loves you, and although you did have your ups and downs, there is nothing for you to think negatively about now.

Words may have been spoken, but that is in the past now. I see a wedding that your mum is looking forward to attending, and she is saying to me she has already got her hat. Although she never quite suited a hat when she was alive she likes them a lot now.

Was there a peach suit that she wore, because she is saying I look good in peach, or is she talking to me? Mind you I look good in most colours!

She seems to have a good sense of humour although sometimes it was squashed by some people. Anyway, she seem happy enough now ,look after yourself she is saying love.