recycling collections

RECYCLING in Middlewich is set to take off over the next few months as the borough council pilots its kerb side collection scheme.

The idea behind the scheme is that households in the town can separate their rubbish into items that can and cannot be recycled and those that can are placed into a container and left on the roadside on specific days to be collected by the council.

A number of families have already agreed to take part in the trial which will test the willingness of people to take part and also the efficiency and economic effects of the collections.

But despite the early interest the council is still looking for more people to take part and actually wants to target residents who are opposed to the scheme.

Clr Dave Sutton, who is backing the scheme in Middlewich, said: "We are looking for people who feel negatively about the idea to take part because we want the feedback of people who perhaps think that it is going to be too hard or too much work.

"We want the good and the bad of this so that we can evaluate all aspects of the scheme."

Clr Sutton also confirmed that Congleton Borough Council is reviewing its current fleet of dustbin wagons and could soon renew the entire fleet with specialist vehicles that are able to separate recyclable waste from non-recyclable waste and store each type individually.

If you are interested in taking part in the pilot run of the kerb side collection scheme e-mail Clr Sutton at or ring him on 01606 832721.